Sunday 9 November 2014

Book Review: "Indexing" - Seanan McGuire

IndexingIndexing by Seanan McGuire
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First off, I want to start by saying that I love McGuire's work (as herself, as Mira Grant and as a singer/songwriter) so I can safely start off this review by saying that I enjoyed that first book in her latest series, Indexing.

This novel started off as an Amazon series. You subscribed to it and Amazon sent you a new chapter every couple of weeks. However, as I don't live in American, I wasn't able to do this and had to wait for the whole book release a few months later.

But enough about that. What's the book about? The story follows a field team of agents who work for the ATI Management Bureau - an organisation that monitors fairy tales in the real world and tries to stop the narrative from talking over people's lives. The team is lead by Henry (who is very close to becoming Snow White, if she lets the stories get to her) and is made up by Sloane (a wicked stepsister), Jeff (a shoemakers elf), Demi (a pied piper) and Andy (who is the most normal of the team... so far).

Each chapter (or episode) is like its own wee story, each taking on another fairy tale that the team are trying to stop. Despite this, each story does lead into the next and they do build up to the climax chapter. So in a way, it's written like a TV show. Each episode being different but leading up to the season final. Thinking back on it now, nothing much really happens in the first chapter, just as in the first episode of a new show. It's just there to set the tone and introduce the world and characters.

Overall though, it was an enjoyable read. It hooked into what was happening and kept you guessing about certain things right to be end. Though it's serious in parts, overall there is a lot of humour in the story to balance it out. And I love Sloane, she's just brilliant. Book two, Reflections, is due out sometime in 2015 and I'm hoping that I don't have to wait around for it to become a full book before getting to read it again.

If you like fairy tales and/or crime dramas, I'd certainly recommend you have a wee look into this. You won't regret it!!

View all my reviews

Sunday 2 November 2014

Testing, Testing, Testing.... One, Two, Three...

Okay guys, I need to get this blog back in operation and fast. So expect some new posts and reviews on the way.

This week I'm planning 3 online short story reviews, a look back over this summers reading list and a series review on Carrie Vaughn's Kitty Noville books.

So keep your ears open and watch this space.

I am back!!!!