Monday 15 April 2013

Book Review - Discount Armageddon


I first discovered Seanan McGuire at the start of last year, but not as Seanan McGuire but as her pen name, Mira Grant. I have yet to find a UK shop that sells her work under her own name. I had to get this (and a couple others which i haven't read yet) send over from the States. It was worth it though! She's a wonderful author, but as herself and as Mira.

I had been reading the short stories on her website based before this series so i have a good idea how this world worked and i was excited about starting this book. 

The story follows Verity Price, a young woman who would like nothing more than to dance. However, she was raised to be a cryptozoologist, to protect innocent creatures from humans and other creatures that may want to hurt them. So she lives a split life. But one day, cryptid women start disappearing and it's up to Verity to find the cause and stop it. It doesn't help that a member of the Covenant of St. George is in town too (the Covenant's goal is to wipe out these creatures and sees the Price family as traitors to the cause as they had once been members)

So what did i think? I loved it! It was fun and action packed. You didn't really know what was round the corner and even if you did, you didn't see the witty dialogue. Verity is a kick-ass heroine and proves that you can still fight off the baddies in high heels.

One thing i loved about the prequels was the Aeslin Mice, who turn everything into a religious celebration. I was glad to see them back. I mean, who doesn't want to celebration "The Holy Feast Of I Swear, Daddy, I'll Kiss The Next Man That Walks Through That Door" !!

I can't really think of much else to say, the plot is easy to follow, the characters are likable and the writing is great. I have already imported my copy of the sequel and can't wait to start that too and hope that McGuire will publish some more prequels too. 

"One Hell Of A Ride", "No Place Like Home" and "Married In Green" are all available on Seanan's website and follow the lives of Verity's Great Grandparents.

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