Sunday 21 July 2013

Book Review: How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea - Mira Grant

How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea (Newsflesh Trilogy #3.5)How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea by Mira Grant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was so excited hearing this was finally getting released. I've been missing the Newsflesh world!! Unlike the other short Newsflesh stories, this is a sequel to the series (ok, San Diego 2014: The Last Stand of the California Browncoats was a sequel but its focus was on the Rising so that doesn't count).

This one follows Mahir as he travels to Australia to meet the Australian branch of After The End Times as well as learning more about the Australian way of life, which is much different from life in Britain or America (for example).

It was an interesting story and totally worth a look for Newsflesh fans. It does poke a bit of fun at Australians but in the end, proves that they are more courageous and better prepared for a zombie apocalypse than we are (seriously, i know people who run away screaming at the smallest of spiders, can you image what would happen with zombies!)

"After the Rising was over, life for Australians went on much as it had before. They went to work, went to the pub, and endeavored not to die while living in a country that contained the lion’s share of the world’s venomous snakes, deadly spiders, and other such vermin. The addition of zombie kangaroos— and worse, zombie wombats— did nothing to change the essential character of the nation."

In conclusion, Australia is awesome. The End.

I'm joking, the book is more than that. We learn a bit more about the world since the end of Blackout. I still miss the Masons (and i'm pretty sure Mahir does too). And it was interesting to see how the world is moving forward.

View all my reviews

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