Friday 6 September 2013

Book Review: "Affliction"

Book Review
"Affliction" - Laurell K Hamilton
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #22


I started reading this series back at the start of 2011. I never caught up with the series until the spring of 2012, so there wasn't much of a gap for me between books 20 and 21. But i bought #21 on the day of release and read it not long after that, meaning that i had a year gap between that and this. This was good because it gave me time to get excited about it. As the year went on, i kept up to date with Hamilton's blog and the hints she dropped on the lead up to this. I remember the sad morning at the start of the year, reading that Edward wasn't going to be in this one and the overly happy evening i had a couple of weeks later when she changed her mind.
Of course, like most series i read, i tend to speculate about what might happen and what i want to see happen. This was no different. From the scribbled notes i made when the plot was released, i pondered whether Hamilton had been watching too many zombie movies leading up to this. But it was a nice change, using zombies. Anita's natural ability is with zombies but we rarely see them in the series. So having a book based around it, i thought would be fun. 

And it was. In was an interesting element to add in. It moved at a steady pace. It was nice to meet Micah's family and see their reaction to him and his lifestyle. We learn a wee bit more about Micah's Coalition. It was more focused on the police work though, which i liked. I miss that. The past handful of books have been focused on relationships and sex with the crime element still there but pushed to the side. Having that switched was great. Some of the minor characters got a little more pagetime (eg. Dev) which was good too (though on the same point, when was the last time we saw Richard? I honestly can't remember!) 
But having a plot and sticking to it throughout most of the book made a huge difference. I actually can't remember much of the plots since book 10. Not a good sign. But it has balanced out over the past couple of books and this book is the result of that. And Edward was in this one which adds an extra star, plot or no plot (guess who my favourite character is??)

I am looking forward to where Hamilton will go next. She has good ideas, but the main thing (in my opinion) is keeping the balance which she has in this book. And on a final point: WHEN WILL WE SEE OLAF AGAIN !!! hehe 

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