Thursday 16 May 2013

Film Review - Iron Man 3 (2013)

"I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian"

So Marvel's Phase Two is officially under way. It's the moment we've been waiting for since the end of last summer. Will it be as good as Phase One? No one was really sure. The Avengers was such a good movie that Phase Two had to step it up. 

Phase Two (as far as i'm aware) will feature the following:

  • Iron Man 3
  • Thor: The Dark World
  • Captian America: The Winter Soldier 
  • Guardians Of The Galaxy 
  • Ant Man (?)
  • The Avengers 2

I'm not too sure about Ant Man since some sources say Phase Two, others say Phase Three. 
And don't forget ABC's new show "Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D." (#CoulsonLives)

So yeah, Iron Man 3 opened the next Phase of operation, and it had to work as a stand alone movie as well as part of the series. Plus with a different director from the other two Iron Man movie, it was going to be new ball game. 

How did it work out? Brilliant! I loved it. It contained everything an Iron Man movie should contain; Tony Stark's Wit, big explosion action scenes, humour, a bit of growing up, references to other Marvel movies/characters, fun end credit scene a cameo from Stan Lee, etc. The plot was a little silly but that's part of the fun. The other movies in this Phase have a lot to live up to as this is just the opening. But i have faith.

The new Thor trailer came out the same week as Iron Man 3 was released in the UK, and it looks amazing too. This is encouraging a whole new generation to get into comics and superheroes. 

I don't want to say too much and spoil anything for those who haven't yet seen it. To those people i say this, go see it. It's worth it. It has everything you need. 

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