Wednesday 29 May 2013

Film Review - Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

Firstly, I want to start by saying I'm not a huge Star Trek fan (I'm sorry I'm sorry!!).
My dad is a fan of the original show so I have watched it somewhat. But space stuff normally doesn't interest me. Far away galaxies and aliens aren't really my thing. But this did look quite good.

I can't compare it to the last movie since I never watched it. At the time, I was a huge Heroes fan and couldn't see Zachary Quinto in any other role apart from Sylar, so it was difficult for me to take the trailers seriously. Heroes has been off the air for years now so it isn't too bad. Shame to say, I'm also a BBC Sherlock fan, and if I didn't have a thing for Benedict Cumberbatch, I would have had the same problem this time around. (Though there was one scene in the movie I did take a step back and think "You know, this is Sylar chasing after Sherlock Holmes")

But enough of me and my typecasting, how was the movie? It was surprisingly really good. Not too hard to follow, even for new viewers such as myself. It had its funny moments, its dramatic moments, its silly moments and its action packed moments. The acting is pretty decent. Plot is a bit iffy but i don't know if that is just this plot or if its a genre thing, i'm not sure. As i've mentioned, it's not my normal territory.

Is it worth a watch? Yeah. It was on my list of summer blockbusters and though it's not the best movie so far this summer, its good. It's not for everyone but if you like sci-fi/star trek, go see it. And if not, if you think the trailer is good, then go see it too, it do live up to the advertisements

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