Wednesday 29 January 2014

Film Review: "Frozen" (2013)


This review comes a little late, but that doesn't matter. Some people are yet to see this movie so here I am writing this up. Plus, I'm working on an editorial about the changes in the Disney Princesses over the years and hopefully this review will help me lead into that. But I'm off topic, what about Frozen? 

To be honest, I almost passed this one up. Why? I don't really know. It didn't really jump out at me. I knew it was Disney but that didn't encourage me to go see it. It was friends who wanted to see it and I came along too. But luckily, I was wrong and I'm glad I didn't pass up the chance of seeing this in the cinema. Twice. Three times! I enjoyed it so much, that I went back and watched it again and again. And downloaded the soundtrack.

So what's the story? The eldest Princess of Arendelle was born with the ability to control ice. Due to an accident, she becomes afraid of her powers and her parents shut her away from everything and everyone, including her younger sister. She bottles up her powers until one day, she slips and the town learn of her secret. She runs off, leaving the town in eternal snow and leaving her sister to go after her and save the town. On her journey, Anna teams up with ice salesman Kristoff, his raindeer Sven and a talking snowman called Olaf, to find Else and bring back summer.

I love pretty much everything about this movie. The animation is stunning. I do miss the days of the 2D Princess movie. But the past two "modern" 3D princess movies (this and Tangled) have still been great and stuck to the Disney Princess feel despite being computer animated. The soundtrack is great but I love Disney soundtracks in general. I heard that Disney are planning on releasing a sing-only version of Frozen soon which I'm not surprised by. The songs are catchy and memorable. I can't help bursting into song when's I hear "For The First Time In Forever" and "Let It Go" (both versions - i like Idina Menzel's version better but Demi Lovato's version shouldn't be overlooked!) Slightly off topic but, after seeing this the second time, myself and one of my coworkers ended up running down the street after another coworker singing "Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" 

But what stands out to me most is the plot. It's not your typical prince faces off bad guy to save princess that he's just met or love at first sight plot. In a way, it parodies it. The film talks more about family. There is some romance but the focus isn't on that. There is also sense of female empowerment too. Both sisters can look after themselves and the men are just in the background. Also, come on, you can't sing along to "Let It Go" (mainly the Idina Menzel's version) without feeling empowered by the end! 

So is it worth a look? Totally. Even if the story doesn't appeal to you, the music will, or the animation will. My brother has been going on about how overrated this movie is since everyone online is talking about it, but I've been telling him not to judge it. He has no right to say its overrated until he's seen the movie for himself. The third time I saw it was because a friend of mine kept seeing stuff online about it and was curious. She ended up loving it too. So go see it and judge it for yourself. I don't regret seeing it and look forward to watching it again and again in the future. 

After all, "winter is a good time to stay in and cuddle but put me in summer and I'll be a..... Happy snowman!!" :)

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