Friday 17 January 2014

Top 5(ish) movies of 2013

First off, I apologise for the lateness of this list. I'm setting myself reminders now, as one of my goals for 2014 is to review more and blog more. So here we are.

I found writing up a top 5 list of last years movies too hard, so this is technically top 7 but it works for me.

5. Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues 
I loved Anchorman. It was an instant classic. And it was a film I watched over and over again and I still found it funny. So on hearing about a sequel being made, I honestly was worried. Ok, it was fun having Will Ferrall turn up in character for an interview to announce the movie but the first one was so good. I didn't want it to be ruined by giving it a sequel. Ok, I know that the movie industry is stuck for movie ideas at the moment, which has lead to sequels, reboots and a ton for YA adaptations (but I will talk about that in a later editorial) but why Anchorman? There was nothing wrong with it. You don't have to change it. And I would hate for them to make the same movie again like they have done with the Hangover movies (the first hangover movie would have been put in the same catogoy as Anchorman as a comedy classic, if it weren't for the sequels!) 
Luckily however, I was pleasently surprised. Though I liked the first one better, this film was still good. It produced a lot of laughs and it wasn't just Anchorman all over again. 
If you're a fan of the first, chances are you will enjoy this too. If you haven't seen the first one, you can see this if you like, but make time at some point to watch the original!!

4. Despicable Me 2/Frozen
Because we need to have some animated movies on this list! First off, Despicable Me 2. I loved the first movie and was excited for the sequel. More of the girls and more of the minions! However, though I really enjoyed the movie, I did feel it didn't live up to my expectations. I would have liked to see more scenes with the girls. Agnes is sooooo cute! ITS SO FLUFFY!!!!! But apart from that, it was a great fun family movie. 
Frozen wasn't a film I was really interested in seeing but I saw it anyway, and I'm glad I did. So much so that I've seen in twice so far and downloaded the soundtrack! It's a stunning movie to watch, the music is good and the plot is great. I still have to publish my review on this so I don't want to go into too much detail. All I'll say is, I want it to snow so I can go and build a snowman! 

3. Now You See Me 
This is definitely the hidden gem movie of the year for me. Though there were loads of posters, I didn't actually see anything for this movie until after it was released. It's an interesting movie to watch and keeps you guessing until the end about not only the plot but how did they do some of the tricks! I totally want to see a magic show now! I don't know how they'll do a sequel to this (and to be honest, I don't want a sequel, the film was good enough on its own!) but we'll just have to wait and see. 

2. Catching Fire
Catching Fire was my favourite book in the Hunger Games trilogy and I was so excited about seeing this. And luckily, it lived up to my excitement. It was just as good as the book which is rare (normally the book is far better!). I'm looking forward to mockingjay. I don't know how they will do the two parts but we will have to watch and see. I'm just happy that Catching Fire ended the same as the book. I was just waiting for that last line! That and Tick Tock Tick Tock. Once they entered the arena, that's all I could think about. In fact, all my favourite bits of the books were included, from favourite quotes to the wedding dress :)

1. Iron Man 3/Thor: The Dark World
It's time for phase two people! Strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride!!
After the success of the Avengers, phase two had a lot to live up to. Luckily, both Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World were brilliant movies. Action-packed and fun. I loved the references to the previous movies but at the same time, you don't need to have seen The Avengers to understand what's going on. If need be, you are quickly reminded and then the film continues. We have two more phase two movies out in 2014 before Avengers 2 in 2015 and Agents of S.H.I.E.LD. Is still on air as a side along phase two project. This is massive. I just wish all the studios could come up with a compromise and we can bring the whole universe together with Spiderman and X-Men. But alas that isn't happening :( but what's happening at the moment is awesome and I can't wait to Captain America: The Winter Soldier! 

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