Wednesday 19 June 2013

Film Review - The Great Gatsby (2013)

I'm going to open by saying that i have never read the book or seen any other versions of the Great Gatsby. So i'm a new viewer to this story. I do have the book and will read it and when i do, i'll write up a Book vs Movie but that won't be for a long while (have you seen my to-read pile?) If you want that review sooner, drop me a note, and i'll move it up the pile.

But anyway, the new 2013 version of the movie? What did I think?

It was strange. As I've said, I'm new to this story so wasn't sure what to expect. Is it silly for me to say that I thought his big secret was something a lot darker than being poor and in love? I know I sound naive but I really didnt know anything about this story. I studied 1984 and Lord of the Flies in school! But taking that in mind, It didn't effect my enjoyment of the movie. In a way, it was a good thing. I remember watching the movie versions of 1984 and Lord of the Flies and knowing what to expect and it not shocking me as much as those stories are meant to. Watching this without history meant I could enjoy it more and not compare it to other versions or the book. I hate watching a movie based off a book I enjoyed and it's nothing like it and i can't enjoy it as a movie due to that.

Moving on. The stylising of this movie was brilliant. Very classy yet bright and colourful. It had some humor in the middle of, what I would say, is a serious movie. Easy to follow. Music was a bit a head of its time but who cares! Gatsby's parties looked fun. On a side note, how bad would it be, to be a cleaner at Gatsby's? Bad times! The acting was pretty good. I'm a fan of DiCaprio though.

Overall, it was a really enjoyable movie. How it compares to other versions, i can't tell you, but I enjoyed this one. At the end, my friend turned to me and said "you didn't enjoy it, did you? It's not a Sam movie" since I normally wouldn't pick this kind of movie to watch but I was like no, I enjoyed it. It makes you think as well. It's worth a look.


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