Sunday 23 June 2013

Film Review: Man Of Steel (2013)


I'm a Marvel girl. I don't hate DC but i'm not a huge fan. Thinking about it (please don't hate me for my lack of DC knowledge if i'm wrong), they only have two main heroes - Batman and Superman. While Marvel have the X-Men, Fantastic Four and the many heroes that make up the Avengers. This could be because DC hasn't have that many successful movies over the past couple of years, apart from the Dark Knight trilogy. But i'm not sure. What i can say is this, with the success of Marvel's Phase One, DC are trying to go down the same road. Summer 2015 is gonna be a big one with the planned releases of not only the Avengers 2 but also the Justice League!!! FIGHT!!!! Only kidding.

So with this in mind and the fact that Batman has already been rebooted, the next step was clearly Superman. Which leads us to this review. We all know Superman and his story. Even the people who don't like comics/comic movies, still know the story. So the writers had to find a new and interesting way to tell it, while also keeping the same tone as the Dark Knight trilogy (since it's meant to all be connected). Keeping Nolan on was a great idea and Snyder is a great director. You can see his personal style coming though with a little mix of Nolan throughout the movie. The only thing i didn't like about the direction was that i felt the camera was too shaky at the start of the movie (i really hope the director from the Hunger Games hasn't started a trend! Please!)

Another thing i wasn't keen on was the order of the movie once Superman lands on Earth. I felt the next 20 mins were all over the place. Clark saves some people..flashback....he's walking along the street.....flashback.......he's in a bar ........ flashback. I liked seeing him as a child, but it was a bit all over the place. In a way, it could be a good thing, since they talk about him being a shadow and not staying in one place long enough for people to get to know him. He has a habit of disappearing. If that was the point of the order, then it kind of makes sense, but personally, i didn't like it.

The acting was okay. The writers tried to add more logic into the movie which i liked. I did have a moment when i felt sorry for General Zod, since everything that happened wasn't totally his fault, he was just doing what he thought was right, but so were the other characters. And just because you think it's right, doesn't always mean that it is.
The action scenes were good but army were a little stupid. Can't you see your bullets have no effect??? Stop shooting, you idiot! It serves no purpose! AAAHHH!
Finally, i loved the stuff on Krypton and Clark has two awesome fathers!

It's not my favorite movie of the year so far, but it will definitely be in the Top 10, if not the Top 5. It's well worth a look.

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