Sunday 24 March 2013

Book Vs. Movie - Warm Bodies

Since i was about to read the book, i never bothered to review the movie version for "Warm Bodies" but left a promise on my tumblr blog that i would hang off and write up a Book Vs Movie post instead, which i am doing now. 

When i first saw the movie advertised  my first thoughts were "No No No, Please Don't Do This!! Vampire Romance Was Bad Enough!! Not Zombie Romance Too!!!". A friend even sent me a link to a blog which compared scenes from the trailer to scenes in twilight which were the same. But the more i saw it, the more curious i became. So i decided to give it a go. After all, i made it through 4 twilight books and 5 movies!

I surprisingly enjoyed the film. It was fun. Not too lovey-dovey, which was great. The story was nice and flowing. A bit predictable but nothing major. Much better than i'd hoped for. I don't know if i'm getting more romantic in my old age (haha) or what, but i certainly enjoyed the film, and i'm glad i saw it despite my worries. You can't compare it to twilight, because this is far better. Worth a look. Its good fun.


I loved the narration for the book. Through R's eyes, we see so much and learn so much. We think about the world and the people around us. Through Perry's memories, we see a world at it's end that won't recover and pointlessness of a life that will always end. Through Julie's character, we see hope. The book isn't about love, It's about hope and all the things that make us human.


The film is a condensed version of the book. The book goes into more detail about everything. It doesn't have as many jokes as the film which works just fine, but we see more of the world. Two things i loved about the book that weren't in the film were:
1.The community the boney's had created, with families, church and school - a lament to what has been lost. 
2. Perry's decent into darkness. We see in the film, he's depressed and doesn't see the point in life. This is explained better in the book and in more detail, which helps to put the point about hope across. 

The film is a good movie, but tries to fall on the funny side. The book is more serious and has more meaning. The film is worth a look but in the end (like most times) the book was far better.

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