Sunday 31 March 2013

Film Review - Trance (2013)

This was a strange one. 

The story follows Simon, a man who helps a group of criminals steal a painting. However, after a hit on the head, he wakes to discover the painting is missing and has no idea where he put it. The gang hire a hypnotherapist to put Simon into a hypnotized state in hopes of finding the missing painting. It isn't long before reality and suggestion become mixed up. 

I loved the concept of this movie. There were times you weren't too sure what was real and what was planted in his head which left the audience wondering what will happen next. Even with that, i saw some of the ending coming. The overall conclusion of the movie i didn't see coming, the same with some of the twists at the end, but some of it was a little predicable.

You need to be focused watching this film, to keep up with it. The film does veer off at points, which lead me to believe the film lacked focus at times, but the ties up nicely in the end. 

It's a decent movie and i would recommend watching it if you like this type of movie. It's worth a look. 

STARS : *** 1/2 (3 and a half) 

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