Saturday 16 March 2013

Film Review - Oz: The Great And Powerful (2013)

The wizard of Oz is a classic. Everyone knows the tale and i have yet to meet someone who hasn't seen the iconic 1939 movie. There has been a ton of sequels and prequels since then but none have ever made an impact. In fact, i can't think of one that i actually really enjoyed. Until now!

I wasn't too keen on the idea of this film, until i saw the trailer. After that, it went on my must see list.

So, how did it compare to what we've seen before? It worked out pretty well.

I loved the start being in square format and in black and white - a hint to the original movie. The 3D in that particularly well in this scene as it added a lot of depth to the film. Being square format, you can see the difference it created.
On going into Oz, the director again tried to make good use of the 3D and the fact that Oz is a place with no rules. You can do what you want with the land, which he did, but kept some aspects of the original such as the yellow brick road (you can't have an Oz film without that!!) right down to the spiral in muchin land where Dorothy starts her journey.

The plot is a little confusing for younger audiences since you're not too sure at first who the bad guy really is, while in the original was just "kill the witch, save the land". This film had the same plot but tries to complicate things a little.  

The actors do a pretty good job most of the time. I felt Mila Kunis wasn't right for her part in the second half of the movie. She isn't a bad actress but her role in this movie changes half way through and she wasn't as great at the second half. Couldn't really pull off the laugh! But that is personal opinion.

As i've mentioned already, i love the hints to the original. There is a scarecrow, a lion, the muchins, the yellowbrick road, the flying monkeys, the good witch has bubbles, the evil witch has a smoking broom, the list goes on. It works well as a prequel and i would watch it again. The film was only missing one thing - the ruby slippers! But i looked it up and turns out MGM own the rights and Disney couldn't use them.

So yeah, overall, it was a decent movie. Great family picture.

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