Thursday 28 March 2013

Film Review - The Raven (2012)

Edgar Allan Poe solves murders based on his writings. 

On having a movie night in, i decided to watch the 2012 movie "The Raven" starting  John Cusack. I'd wanted to see this in the cinema but i hadn't managed to get round to it, and in a way, that was a good thing. 
The film overall wasn't as good as i'd hoped. However, i'll give the film this -  the acting was pretty decent, the sets were impressive and the concept was interesting. The story just didn't really grip me. I saw the ending coming. 

It's not a terrible movie, but it's not a movie I would be desperate to watch again anytime soon. Though it does make me wanna go read some Poe. After all "Quoth The Raven, 'Nevermore," :)

(there is a scene early on in the movie when Poe asks people in the bar to finish the quote "Quoth the raven......" I also yelled "NEVERMORE!!!!" at the screen hehe)

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